Raptor Concept:
This first project is called "Raptor Concept". Before I go on, I should warn you that I am a Sci-Fi genre geek (big surprise there, right?). I have grown up on Star Trek, and the 'Alien' franchise, the 'Predator' franchise, and many more Sci-Fi shows and movies. More recently, I have become a huge fan of "Firefly" (which spawned the movie "Serenity") and the reimagined version of Battlestar Galactica. I am also very excited about JJ Abrams version of Star Trek due out later this year. One of the concepts in all of these movies and shows is the small shuttle vehicle used for transporting people and goods on short trips. Just about every good Sci-Fi show some how manages to incorporate this rugged, and most often used little vehicle. So, I decided to design my own version, however, it is not for space travel, but for terrestial travel. My version uses present day technology in slightly different ways. Of course, this is a concept only, whether or not if would actually work is another story. My shuttle, called a Raptor (an homage to BSG) is capable of vertical take off and landing (VTOL) and can hold up to 8 passengers, 1 gunner, and 2 pilots. The Raptor is designed to be tough, rugged vehicle whos function overrides its form. In other words - it was not designed to be pretty. Below are images of my concept - and as always, comments are always appreciated. (click on the thumbs for larger images)

Battlestar Galactica - Serenity Hybrid Seal (CIC emblem):
Here is were my real inner Sci-Fi geek comes out. As I had mentioned before, Battlestar Galactica (aka BSG) and Firefly are two of my all time favorite series. In the series, BSG, the area typically called 'the bridge" is known as the CIC, or the Combat Information Center. Over the entry door to the CIC is the BSG 75 Seal - it hangs over the door much like the Presidential Seal or any other company emblem might. In the TV series "Firefly", the ship that is featured is a firefly class transport named "Serenity". While Serenity does not have an emblem of sorts, it does have a beautiful logo with the words "peace" and "serenity" written in Chinese. Below are the original emblems from both shows (the first is from Battlestar, and second from Firefly/ Serenity):
Below is my version of a hybrid seal from these two shows. While I was at it, I decided to experiment with different lighting and texturing effects. Please click on the thumbs to view the full image, and as always, comments are appreciated.

I think the Raptor looks great and I love the way you combined both shows emblems.
Everything looks great.
You're good!
The Raptor Concept looks pretty slick, but I had one suggestion. In many Sci-Fi shows/movies the discharge of energy or more conventional weapons is usually accompanied by a significant muzzle flash. As such, you may want to relocate the guns that are currently located on either side of the cockpit, as firing from their current location may distract or blind the flight crew. Other than that, awesome job!
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