Saturday, June 29, 2024




Someone asked in passing, why is this blog page called “Lone Wolf Drafting and Design”.

It’s a fair question.

When I started this, the name of my company was – you guessed it – Lone Wolf Drafting and Design. That was the name of the company that I created after moving to Arizona. Why “Lone Wolf”? At one point in my life, I was a truck driver, and that was CB handle. That’s it – no awesome backstory there.

So, why haven’t I changed it as LWDD no longer exists as a company.

Well, to be honest, I am only restarting this for my current class, which is called “business for the design professional”.  One of the things that the class covers is personal branding and part of that is social media exposure.

So, here I am, trying to figure out what my new brand should be. It can take months to create a new logo and brand – I have to do it in a few weeks.

I am open to suggestions.

Maybe it should be Bunthulhu themed.

Like I said, I am open to suggestions.

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