Hello All, and thanks for stopping by again. Lone Wolf Drafting and Design is proud to announce the completion of the 1940's style garage, developed in conjunction with GarageMahals, LLC of Scottsdale, Arizona. We started this project about 8 months ago with a concept of designing a garage themed around a 1940's era setting. We included a large 1940's style gas station awning, complete with original gas pumps from gas stations that have long since been out of business. We also developed custom flooring and cabinetry for the entire space. On the garage door side, we originally created several bridge truss style columns that supported a curved cowling that was placed at ceiling height. In between each column, we added a curved arch facade to the rough openings for the garage doors. The doors themselves were wrapped in a 1940's image of New York City. The overall effect was the viewer looking under a bridge toward the New York City skyline.
As the project progressed, some changes were made, and new renderings were created. The back half of the garage basically stayed the same, but the door side received a new column concept. We designed an Art Deco style airfoil concept for the new design. These new columns, wrapped in brushed silver with translucent panels, still support the stainless steel cowling above. The garage door arches remained the same, and at the time, so did the New York City graphic. As construction began, the graphic changed to that of an airfield. Below are the renders of the original concept, the new column concept, and the actual photos of the complete garage.
As always, comments and suggestions are appreciated.
Original Concept with Truss Style Columns

New Concept with Silver Columns

Actual Photos

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