As I have written in a few other posts, I live in a little modern version of Mayberry.
I know all of my neighbors, and they know me.
We chat in the street, have the occasional holiday party, and help each other whenever we can.
However, there is the one neighborhood nuisance that no one can avoid – the door to door solicitor.
Yep, I’ve got ‘em here – landscapers looking for work, home water delivery, irrigation guys, house painter, Jehovah’s Witnesses and of course, the myriad of door hangers for local eateries and businesses. Every week it seems as though there is a never ending parade of someone trying to sell us something. To compound the problem, my wife works nights so she doesn’t get home until 11:30 or midnight. We usually stay up for another hour or so, getting to bed around 1:30 am. So, when solicitors ring our door bell at 9 am, it is safe to say that we are none to pleased.
Never. Ending. Parade. |
What to do?
I suggested getting a “No Solicitors” sign, but they have a tendency to be tacky or too commercial looking, so we have not purchased one.
Allie and I have worked very hard on our home,
renovating it just the way we like it, so putting a standard gold and black “No Solicitors” sign just wasn’t going to fly.
A typical no soliciting sign. |
I decided to use my software to create a nice sign that would compliment our home while getting our point across. The project didn’t take that long, only about an hour to try a few different looks, render the image, and then print it.
My design. |
There was a small issue mounting it, however. Allie had a nice piece of wood that the shape of the sign was based on. When we tried to mount it to the wood, the ink from the ink jet printer smeared, making the sign look sloppy. So, for now, our sign is on the fridge – maybe it will help me to lose weight!
No Soliciting....of the fridge. |
We will try a different approach for mounting the sign, and we may change the color scheme, as it seemed a bit to dark for the exterior colors of our house. When we complete the new sign, I will post it. Thanks for reading!