I have returned from my brief hiatus, and as promised, I bring you the ADOT MCV – the zombie apocalypse version!
The ADOT MCV - Civilian Version |
The ADOT MCV - Zombie Apocalypse Version |
For this version, I decided to show the vehicle all “buttoned up”, that is all of the doors are closed, all of the stairs are folded in, and the outriggers are retracted.
The interior of the vehicle really hasn’t changed, as the ZA edition of the MCV really focuses on beefing up the exterior. The first and most noticeable addition to the MCV is the giant plow (aka, the “zombie catcher”) mounted on the front of the vehicle. The purpose of this attachment, other then mowing down hordes of the undead, is to push abandoned vehicles out of the way, as well as to punch through the occasional concrete wall.
The Zombie Catcher |
The next most noticeable attachment is all of the window guards. Obviously you don’t want any weak points in your mobile zombie stronghold, and windows are in fact, the number one weak spot. Therefore, every window and door has been fitted with plate steel, heavy bars or a combination of the two.
Window and door guards provide extra security. |
Rear doors in lock down with rear ramp up. |
All of the larger spotlights have also been fitted with protective grills. The roof is also lined with razor wire for added protection for the gun crew.
Razor wire at the roof line. |
Yes, the gun crew.
Gun crew station on the roof. |
Their post is located on the roof; built off the roof rack. There are two gunner stations, one forward left, and the other rear right. Both stations are semi-protected from the elements with impromptu constructed overhead covers. The turrets are salvaged from either a military installation or military vehicles (you have to figure that during the zombie apocalypse, military equipment would have been deployed, and possible abandoned as the zombie epidemic spread and overran military bases and checkpoints). The forward section of the roof rack (the narrow portion) can be used to store ammo boxes for the turrets.
Gun turrets with ammo boxes beyond. |
Overhead view. |
This was definitely a fun a little project to work on. Most of the time, as I have stated before, my work is pretty straight forward – a client tells me what they need, and I create it. Even my promo stuff is usually rooted in architectural design and theory. This was a fun departure from my usual stuff. Please, write back, tell me what you think, and feel free to describe (or show) your ideal zombie apocalypse survival vehicle! I hope you enjoyed it!
you forgot to mention the blood smears as an addition. Very cool.
The blood smears cost extra! Thanks for the comment - glad you like it. I hope you and the Doyles are having fun!
I call Gun Turret!
Sean in case undead come I will be only qualified operator of this vechicle since I already have been operating the prototype. I call driver and of course who better than you to mow them Undead Down than a life long phoenix Driver. Kudo's to Sean!!!
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